CARROLL COUNTY SURVEYOR ROBERT W GROSS 765-564-3310 [email protected] 101 W Main St, 1st Floor Courthouse Delphi IN 46923
Welcome to the Carroll County Surveyors office. Thank you for visiting and we hope you find this site helpful for whatever your needs may be. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions or comments you may have in regards to our services. The Carroll County Surveyor's office oversees all of Carroll County along with adjacent counties on a as needed basis. Responsibilities include but not limited to the supervision of all reconstruction and maintenance of county drains and ditches; all section corners throughout the county; works one on one with contractors for all new residential, commercial and industrial developments for compliance with the Carroll County Storm water Ordinance. Below you will find description of each role the surveyor is responsible for.
Drainage Technical Authority of the county drainage board, as required by state law. Manages and maintains construction, reconstruction and maintenance of all Carroll County regulated drains as required by state law. Maintains all investments for the regulated drains along with year to year budgets. Submits all specifications for drainage on an as needed basis for contractors and the public. Investigates all allegations of drainage obstruction petitioned by property owners as required by state law, Drainage Board Meetings are held the third Monday of every calendar month starting at 11 a.m. located inside the Carroll County Courthouse on the second floor in the Commissioners Conference Room.
Section Corners As Carroll County Surveyor we are responsible for preserving and maintaining all section corners as required by State Law along with all Section Corner information and Bench Mark Data.
GIS Mapping Mapping of County Regulated drains, watersheds and GPS locations of all Carroll County. This system also includes all digital maps of section corner monuments ad reference sheets. Below is a link that will direct you straight to the GIS Website for your convenience.
Other The Carroll County Surveyor currently sits on the Deer Creek/ Sugar Creek steering committee which acquires 319 funding for several projects that help maintain the creeks by keeping pollutants out along with sediment control.
Carroll County Drainage Ordinance Please click on the link below to download and print.