Type of Fee --- Fees effective January 15, 2024 New scales - new fees 12 cents per pound on compactable and non-compactable trash, rounding up on all weights to the nearest dollar. Examples: 1 trash bag = $3.00 2 or more bags will be weighed at the .12 cents per pound scale. (Minimum cost will not be less than $5.00).
*No trailers over 14 ft. *Recycling facility available 24 hours a day. No light bulbs, batteries, shrub, grass, tree limbs, or dead animals. We accept metal for no charge. Refrigerators and freezers $20.00 disposal fee. Tires are accepted - 4 tires per household at noted prices at facility. *All quoted prices are per Carroll County residents only*
Checks are not really acceptable but if it is your only source of payment: Please make checks payable to the Carroll County Treasurer. Thank you.